Kelly Lynn Cassidy (neƩ Smith) was born in Scottsdale, AZ to professional fine artist parents in 1979. Almost every summer was spent away from the heat of the Phoenix valley in cooler climes. 99% of the time, this was to Lake Tahoe, C.A./N.V. Kelly gained an appreciation for her parents freedom in creating their own destiny in art making and in 1996 at the tender age of 16, decided to take on their art form making welded bronze and copper sculptures. After her first sale, she was hooked. Although she thought of the art path as simply a way to pay for her college education having left high school at 16 for college classes on her way to being an architect, she soon discovered that her profession as an successful fine artist afforded her the freedom she desired to pursue her deep intellectual and creative outlets.
You can view Kelly's art website by clicking on the photo! >>
She dove deeply into the art and science of astrology around the age of 13. It was her interest in Metaphysics that drew her in initially. But then she discovered how intricate and all-consuming it became to her. Her first years in astrology allowed her to learn the language of Astrology. She knew early on that if she were to learn the language of astrology instead of simple phrases in a book that she could put it all together herself. This was a skill passed down by her father, Richard, a scholar and linguist. Her father learned languages with careful thought into each and every element and how it comes together. Kelly tackled astrology in much the same way but with more intensity of personal investment choosing to dive deeply into her own chart and the charts of famous people.
In 1998, Kelly got a job in a bookstore and was the head of the "Spirituality and Religion" department. She was in her element. She read every book that she could on astrology and she still has the original Parker's Astrology book bought years ago in that store. Every paycheck went into her study, pouring over books. Today, Kelly has approximately 100 astrology books in her collection. She still will come across books that she has not read old and new and add them to her astrology bookshelf. She continues to study and will most likely do so for the rest of her life believing that she is a student of astrology first and foremost. Along the way, Kelly gave several readings to friends and family never really thinking of herself as a counseling astrologer. Her first "paid" astrology reading was as a charity silent auction item for a one hour reading in the late 90's.
In 2001, Kelly received her first astrology reading from an astrologer named Patra in South Lake Tahoe. Kelly was working at another book store at the time and was still deep in her study. She loved visiting with Patra and learning her methods over the next few months. One day, Patra announced to Kelly that it was she that should be teaching her. Patra gathered a group of 5 students for Kelly and placed her in her first role as teacher, thus activating her North Node in Virgo in the 4th house. It was a perfect fit. Kelly created a class format that was totally from her own intuition and learning. She felt on fire every time she taught a class. Suddenly, she felt older than time as something was sparked in her about her calling as a teacher-as one who is to pass the information on to others in order to help them grow. She created worksheet and skits for her students to act out and taught with a fervor that that she had never felt before. With her Leo Moon in the 3rd house, Kelly felt her background in performance combined with analytical thought take presidence.
Today, Kelly still enjoys teaching and giving personal and thoughtful readings. Using her in-born intuitional talent gathered from maternal line, Kelly has an uncanny knack for hitting the nail on the head when it comes to unravelling the "chart behind the chart". She has attended many astrology workshops and classes, and in 2005, was chosen as one of the the scholarship recipients at the first Earth And Sky Workshops in Bali, Indonesia, studying and acting as "gopher" to Steven Forrest and Lynn Bell. She has since followed the methods of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Steven Forrest as she sees it as being the most closely aligned to her own teaching style and methodology. She is proud to be "formally" initiated as a student of Steven Forrest's Apprenticeship Program for professional astrologers starting in September of 2013.
In her spare time, Kelly enjoys spending time with her new husband Kevin Cassidy DDS (married on the Summer Solstice of 2013!) hiking, reading, playing, eating good food (she LOVES to cook!), writing, creating her art and selling at shows and art galleries, and collecting books. She is blessed to be living in South Lake Tahoe, CA where she and her husband live on the lake and caretake the oldest boathouse on Lake Tahoe (built c1908). You can learn more about the Cassidy Boathouse by clicking on the image below!
Together, Kevin and Kelly attend live theater, music, go to movies and simply adore each other profusely. :)
Kelly has studied her chart for the past 19 years and will still to this day find something utterly new a fascinating. This is what keeps the mystery alive and well!